Mindful and Intuitive Eating After Bariatric Surgery - A Realistic Approach
First things first. I eat primarily high protein, moderate fat, lower carb. This is the way I have eaten since having gastric bypass surgery in June of 2017. Following surgery I was very strict. Extremely strict if you will.
What I Buy At Aldi - Round 2 Grocery Haul
Alright friends- I know y'all have been waiting for round 2 of my Aldi favorites!!! If you missed my first post, you can check it out right here.
What I Buy At Aldi - Round One Grocery Haul
Aldi is such a hidden gem of a grocery store. It was not until a few of my closest friends kept begging me to at least try shopping here that I fell in love.
7 Things I Always Have On Hand In My Kitchen
I am the ultimate planner. It drives people nuts who are around me a lot but it is something that will never change about me. It makes me anxious if I do not plan ahead.
Gastric Bypass Surgery - What It IS and What It Is NOT
Over the years, gastric bypass surgery has rallied up quite the bad rap; rightfully so. When they first started doing gastric bypass many patients years after had absorption issues later on down the road and I believe this is where some of the negative stigma comes from.